Dose #121: How Quizzes Will Get You a Better Subscriber

Mastering Customer Experience: The Power of Quizzes for Conversions

Matt here with your weekly Subscription Prescription đź’Š

Quizzes. A lot of hype, and widely used, but not always in a way that is best for getting more subscribers. In this week’s dose, we dive into why they’re an incredible tool for any subscription business, keys to making them work, and some tips I use with all of my clients.

This week’s podcast is a full interview with Blake Imperl, the VP of Marketing at Digioh. We go deep on quizzes, customer data, and personalization:

A Loyalty Program That Drives New Revenue

Everyone has a loyalty program in place. But what benefit does it have for your business? Does your loyalty program get you new business, increase the LTV of each customers, and make it easy to communicate with them?

Or is it just a simple points system that rewards people after a certain number of purchases?

There is a new movement in loyalty, one that leverages push notifications. No, not another app, but rather a digital loyalty card that sits inside the Apple or Google Wallet. With a simple download by your customers, you can now:

  • Use location-based push notifications

  • Boost customer-led referrals (they just show a friend the digital card!)

  • Exclusive member-only offers

  • Works with Shopify POS

  • Personalized promotions through push notifications

This is a true game-changer for loyalty - drive more sales and referrals!

As a special offer to all my subscribers, you can get 25% off for your first 3 months AND they will setup the entire program for you (use code DRSUB when booking a call). Migrating your loyalty customers over is easy! Go see how Upzelo can change your loyalty program and get ready for BFCM.

Why Quizzes Are Your Secret Weapon for Conversion Success

Today’s dose is all about a topic that I love for subscriptions: quizzes.

At first glance, quizzes have very little to do with subscriber retention. But they are a great tool for acquiring both more subscribers AND information about their usage and habits.

That can be turned into a retention tool, which is why I love quizzes so much! They can be your secret weapon for growing and keeping subscribers. Even if you’re already offering a quiz, this dose will give you some new ideas.

Let’s dive in!

The Power of Personalization Through Quizzes

We often talk about personalization as a buzzword, but when done right, it’s a game-changer. Imagine landing on a website and instantly feeling like the brand understands you—your needs, your preferences, and even your pain points. That’s the kind of experience a well-designed quiz can create.

Quizzes give you more information about who is buying (and who isn’t buying) products from you. It lets you narrow down use cases and take potential buyers on a guided journey of their problem and your solution.

One of the most slept-on uses of quizzes is turning it from a one way street (you ask all the questions) to one that has education.

Look how Proven Skincare uses a step in the quiz to show you how their product helps with redness:

Instead of treating quizzes as a product-selection tool, view them as an interaction with customers.

How to Succeed with Quizzes

  1. Start with the Right Questions:

    • The first step to a successful quiz is asking the right questions. These should be designed to uncover valuable insights about your customers. For example, if you’re a supplement brand, ask about their health goals—are they trying to lose weight, build muscle, or just maintain general wellness? This helps you guide them to the right products and create targeted follow-up campaigns.

  2. Educate Along the Way:

    • If your product isn’t commonly known or understood, sharing information about how it works will help overcome doubts in potential buyers. You can also demonstrate results other people have seen with your product (like the Proven Skincare example above).

  3. Leverage the Data:

    • The real magic happens after the quiz. Use the data collected to segment your audience in your email marketing, SMS campaigns, and even on-site messaging. This is where you can truly differentiate your brand. For instance, if you know a customer prefers a specific type of product, tailor your content and offers around that preference. It’s about making every touchpoint feel personalized and relevant.

  4. Gamify the Experience:

    • Don’t be afraid to have fun with it! Gamification can take your quizzes to the next level. For instance, instead of the standard “enter your email for 10% off,” consider a mini-quiz or a playful “spin the wheel” approach that feels like a game. This not only makes the experience more engaging but also increases the likelihood of conversion.

One hack that I recommend for all quizzes is to ask people about other products they’ve tried, how familiar they are with your product, etc. Imagine you’re selling mushroom coffee and you have two different types of users - those that are new to mushroom coffee and those that are not. Either group will have very different questions about your product. Knowing which camp they’re in will let you tailor a different experience for them.

Endless Quiz Examples

While there are a lot of different quiz tools - Okendo, Octane AI, and Digioh to name a few - I want to share one of the best resources out there:

I stumbled onto this a while ago working with a client and go to it all the time when I want to see how other brands are leveraging quizzes. Go check it out!

The Bottom Line

If you’re not using quizzes yet, you’re missing out on a key opportunity to boost your conversions and enhance your customer experience. Quizzes help you gather essential data, personalize the shopping experience, and create more meaningful interactions with your audience. Whether you’re a small brand just starting out or an established business looking to scale, quizzes can provide the insights and engagement you need to grow.

Remember, it’s not just about collecting data—it’s about using that data to build stronger relationships with your customers. Start simple, test different approaches, and watch as your conversions climb.

That’s it for this week’s dose! Don’t forget to check out the new digital loyalty card from Upzelo. See you next Tuesday with dose #122!

 - Matt Holman đź©ş

The Subscription Doc