Dose #101: How Vegan Vitamins Are Changing the World

Maria Cebrian shares her story starting Terraseed

Matt here with your weekly Subscription Prescription šŸ’Š

This weekā€™s dose is all about the difficult with starting and building a brand. An interview with Maria Cebrian, founder of Terraseed, reveals some of what is easy, and much of what is difficult, with building a great subscription brand.

Prefer your dose in a podcast or video format? Scroll to the bottom for links.

Come study how to make a great subscription offer with me on May 9th. The third workshop in our new ā€œArt and Science of Subscriptionsā€ series, this one can be the most important. What people buy - and why - is the key to unlocking subscription growth.

Come listen and discuss this critical piece of subscriptions with me.

This week Iā€™m sick, so this one will be brief. For better or worse I write these a few days before they get sent. Keeps them fresh and up-to-date.

But today and this weekend being sick means I canā€™t write as in-depth as Iā€™d like. So instead, Iā€™m going to give you a quick lesson and push you to listen to this weekā€™s interview with Maria Cebrian.

Building a Brand is Hard

You know better than most how hard it is to build a brand. The mistake I see many founders make is not leaning into their story enough. Not tapping into their ā€˜why.ā€™ That gives you motivation, but it gives you a narrative to help reach more customers.

In this weekā€™s podcast, Maria Cebrian shares why she started Terraseed. What has been difficult. What is working so far. How when she started there were few vegan vitamins, but now there is a lot of competition.

If you donā€™t believe your brand can change the world, how can you expect others to commit to something as small as a subscription?

Show your why.

But find your customerā€™s why too.

Find the lever you can use to reach more people because of that why.

Thatā€™s a short dose for this week! But please take my advice and listen to this interview.

See you next week.

 - Matt Holman šŸ©ŗ

The Subscription Doc